Mississippi Action for Community Education, Inc. is a non-profit, minority rural development organization created by community leaders in 1967 to stimulate physical, social, and economic development in the rural Mississippi Delta. Very early in its history, MACE learned that beyond the problems of race and poverty, there exists in southern, rural communities the broader, structural problem of underdevelopment; that for genuine community development to occur, the prerequisite human and organizational capacities must first be developed, the basic community social and political structures must first be created.

About YouthBuild
Mable Starks, President & CEO
(662) 335-3523, ext. 313
The MACE YouthBuild program started October 1, 2009. Our goal is to serve 60 young people during a two year cycle. MACE YouthBuild provides out-of-school youth in Greenville, Ms with a broad range of foundational tools, supports and opportunities to become responsible, productive self-sufficient citizens in the community. YouthBuild participants earn their GED while learning valuable job skills and a marketable trade in construction, while engaging in community service projects. MACE YouthBuild rebuilds hope, changing lives and communities.
MACE YouthBuild is an eight-month to two-year youth development program. Participants gain construction skills and work experience by building houses for low-income families. In the classroom, participants prepare for the GED or work toward a high school diploma, receive basic literacy education, and/or prepare for a college education. Participants assume a leadership role through involvement in a youth policy committee and community activities.
What services are offered?
The program provides construction training, individualized education, individual counseling, peer leadership and support groups, and recreational and cultural activities. Specific trainings help participants explore and increase employment opportunities. Participants receive monthly educational stipends during the program.
Am I eligible?
- Youth between 16 - 24 years of age can apply
- Low income
- Priority towards youth without a GED or high school diploma
- Females encouraged to apply