Mississippi Action for Community Education, Inc. is a non-profit, minority rural development organization created by community leaders in 1967 to stimulate physical, social, and economic development in the rural Mississippi Delta. Very early in its history, MACE learned that beyond the problems of race and poverty, there exists in southern, rural communities the broader, structural problem of underdevelopment; that for genuine community development to occur, the prerequisite human and organizational capacities must first be developed, the basic community social and political structures must first be created.

Help our Students Help the Community
Our students face many obstacles in the pursuit of better futures. Together, we can strengthen our community by improving the lives of our young people.
Wish List
- Books
- LCD Screen Projector for Career Development training (resumes, applications, etc.)
- Laptop
- Ongoing Mentoring Activities
- Camcorder for college visits, mock interviews, etc.
- Banner and Poster Printing
- Computers
- On-line Educational Software including Reading and Writing aids
- Incentives for Student Awards including gift cards, prizes, etc.
Mail your contribution to:
Friends of YouthBuild MACE
ATTN: Program Director
119 South Theobald Street
Greenville, Ms 38701